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performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

performance running apparel

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performance running apparel

Creative Concept
Art Direction
Integrated Campaign

To mark the launch of its summer collection, Bodycross is revamping its image with a series of editorial content and a comprehensive cross-channel campaign. Reflecting the brand’s essence, the visuals highlight running performance and feature various products set against urban backdrops with dramatic lighting. These visual elements are rolled out across social media and multiple digital platforms.

À l’occasion de sa collection estivale, Bodycross rafraîchit son image à travers une série de contenus éditoriaux et une campagne cross-canal complète. Illustrant la signature de marque, l’iconographie met en scène la performance en course à pied ainsi que les différents produits dans un décor urbain en clair-obscur. Les différents éléments visuels de la campagne sont déployés sur les réseaux sociaux et divers canaux digitaux.


Jeremy Chuchana 

Bastien Grob
Creative Direction 

Jordan Nacmias 
Brand Director

Gregoire Chiquart
Brand Manager