Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Society (inspired) clothing

Territoire Visuel 
Concept Créatif

69 Project is a Lyon-based ready-to-wear brand built around the concept of duality. Its unisex wardrobe features statement pieces inspired by societal dynamics and contemporary customs. The brand’s visual identity is defined by bold yet minimalist codes, perfectly aligned with the tone of its designs and the impact of its messages. The interplay of patterns and refined graphic design grounds the brand in a striking and distinctive contemporary urban universe.

69 Project est une marque de prêt-à-porter lyonnaise construite autour du concept de dualité. Son vestiaire mixte propose des pièces à message, directement inspirées des dynamiques sociétales et des mœurs contemporaines. Son identité visuelle repose sur des codes puissants et minimalistes, en parfaite résonance avec le ton des designs et la portée des messages qu’ils véhiculent. Le travail sur les motifs et le graphisme épuré ancre la marque dans un univers urbain contemporain, à la fois percutant et distinctif.

parady - 69 - Affichage Urbain - Publicité
Parady - 69 - Pub - Production
Parady - 69 - Social Média - Branding

Sophie Gaudry
Design Collection

Bastien Grob
Direction Artistique & Photographie